Block DX FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Below are a list of Block DX frequently asked questions. For any questions not answered below, please join the Blocknet community on Discord for further discussion: Discord Invite

Bug: If you used Generate New Address in BlockDX to generate the address to which the asset you just acquired should be sent, and the trade completed successfully but the asset didn't arrive in XLite as expected, click here for instructions what to do.
  1. Click on Receive in the upper right corner of XLite.
  2. Select the asset which did not arrive in XLite.
  3. Click Generate new address until the address to which the missing asset was sent appears in the Your address box.
Why does my available balance in BlockDX drop dramatically when I make an order, even though the size of the order is small?
Why does available balance in BlockDX drop so dramatically when making an order?

Funds in your wallet are organized in terms of addresses and inputs. To illustrate, we can make an analogy to a physical wallet. An address is like a section of your physical wallet which is separated from other sections. An input is like a bill that is stored in one section of your wallet. In one section of your physical wallet you might have three $20 bills and two $5 bills, for a total of $70 in that section of your wallet. In a similar way, one address of your Blocknet wallet might contain three 20 BLOCK inputs and two 5 BLOCK inputs, for a total of 70 BLOCK in that address of your wallet.

If, for example, you make an order to buy some asset, and the cost of your purchase will be 5 LTC, but the smallest LTC input in your wallet is 100 LTC, then the entire 100 LTC input becomes unavailable until the change from the transaction is received in your change address. This is like if you are buying a $5 item and the smallest bill in your wallet is a $100 bill. The $100 bill becomes unavailable during the transaction, then you receive $95 in change. To avoid having a large amount of funds becoming unavailable during a transaction in this way, you can split the inputs of the asset you're selling before making the order. This is like breaking your $100 bill into smaller denominations before purchasing the $5 item.

Splitting assets into multiple Inputs within an address can be done using the dxSplitInputs command from the Blocknet wallet Tools->Debug Console, or from the Blocknet wallet Command Line Interface (CLI). Get help on how to use dxsplitinputs by typing dxsplitinputs in the Debug Console and hitting return, or by typing ./blocknet-cli help dxsplitinputs from the Blocknet wallet CLI. You may also want to use the dxSplitAddress command. Get help on how to use the dxsplitaddress command by typing dxsplitaddress in the Debug Console and hitting return, or by typing ./blocknet-cli help dxsplitaddress from the Blocknet wallet CLI.

Note: Splitting assets into multiple inputs incurs a transaction fee, and the transaction fee for some chains (e.g. BTC Tx fee) can be high.

Soon, BlockDX will offer to automatically split assets into smaller inputs in the background so you'll always have some "small change" on hand, ready to trade.

How can I view currently active orders on BlockDX without opening the BlockDX application?

Visit the following site: BlockNetMonitor

My version of [blockchain] wallet isn’t one of the options to select in the set up process. Can I use this version? Will it still work?

Only use wallet versions that are listed. If a version is not listed, it has either not been tested yet or is not compatible. Using a wallet version not listed may result in failed trades or loss of funds.

I have Block DX currently working with two wallets. I want to add a third blockchain wallet. Do I need to restart all wallets and go through the set up process again?

Yes, at this point in time the setup process needs to be repeated to add additional wallets. However, the blockchains previously selected will be remembered at the initial selection screen when repeating the setup process. The option to go through the setup process again can be found in the upper right corner of BlockDX under MENU->Add & Update Wallets.

I am trading with BLOCK/LTC. If I make an order with BUY, does that mean I want to buy BLOCK (and sell LTC)? If I select “SELL,” that means I am selling BLOCK and will receive LTC?

If in the BLOCK/LTC market and using BUY order form, you will be buying BLOCK with LTC. Using the SELL order form means you will be selling BLOCK to receive LTC.

Do I always need to download and use full blockchains when trading?

Block DX is a full decentralized exchange with no central components, which requires the full blockchains to be installed and synced locally to submit the trades as transactions on the network. However, if the assets you want to trade are supported by XLite wallet, you can use XLite and avoid downloading the full blockchains.

Do I need to have BLOCK in order to trade?

If you are making (placing) an order, no BLOCK is needed. If you are taking (filling) an order, BLOCK is need to cover the trade fee. Read more...

If I want to place or accept multiple trades, I need to split my assets into multiple UTXOs within the same address. How do I do that?

Splitting assets into multiple UTXOs within an address can be done using the dxSplitInputs command from the Blocknet wallet Tools->Debug Console, or from the Blocknet wallet Command Line Interface (CLI). Get help on how to use dxsplitinputs by typing dxsplitinputs in the Debug Console and hitting return, or by typing ./blocknet-cli help dxsplitinputs from the Blocknet wallet CLI. You may also want to use the dxSplitAddress command. Get help on how to use the dxsplitaddress command by typing dxsplitaddress in the Debug Console and hitting return, or by typing ./blocknet-cli help dxsplitaddress from the Blocknet wallet CLI.

I keep getting change addresses after making trades. How do I consolidate them all back into one address and then split them back up into multiple UTXOs again?

Combining and splitting of assets (inputs) can be done using the Coin Control functionality within the respective wallet.

Why is my balance shown as 0 even though I have funds in it.

Some blockchains have Segwit enabled, which uses a different address system. At the moment these new Segwit addresses are not supported so legacy addresses must be used. For example, with Litecoin ‘L’ addresses should be used instead of ‘M’ addresses and with Monacoin ‘M’ addresses should be used instead of ‘P’ addresses.

Why is my balance on Block DX different than in my wallet?

The balance reported in Block DX may be less than the amount reported in the respective wallet because the Block DX reports the available balance. This is the balance showing in your wallet minus any immature funds (such as from staking) and funds locked up in open trades.

Why is market pricing showing as ‘N/A’?

If the alternate market pricing is shown as ‘N/A’, this means that the current API source selected does not currently support the currently selected market pair. When this happens, another API source should be selected in the upper right corner of BlockDX under MENU->General Settings->Market Pricing->Price Source.

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